
Voltpost NYC Pilot

with NYC DOT and Newlab

40,000 Level 2 chargers with 10,000 curbside by 2030.

50+ charging events

of NYC DOT fleet vehicles and 200+ demonstrations.

1.5 hours

for Voltpost and NYC DOT to install charging platform.

highest uptime

compared to other charging technologies evaluated.

In Q3 2021, NYC DOT announced plans to build a public charging network including 40,000 Level 2 chargers, with 10,000 curbside chargers by 2030.

From June 2022 - March 2023, Voltpost participated in the DOT Studio, a partnership with New York City Department of Transportation and Newlab to pilot the lamppost charging platform in New York City.

During the DOT Studio, Voltpost installed, tested, and refined the charging platform with metering in a DOT parking lot.

The DOT Studio served as the first step in establishing a multi-phase Voltpost partnership to deploy lamppost charging in New York.

“These chargers enable prolific deployments for curbside charging — this is by far the best solution.”

-New York Driver